Be True to Your School or Design the Ride (Editing Exercise #3)

 OPTION #1 - Be True to Your School 

  • Use PixlrE to create a design on the team bus so it can be a new vehicle for the school (see photo below). 
  • Design it proudly and realistically. 
  • Consider adding a school mascot theme, local area landmarks theme, or even just a wild and creative design theme (see some school logos below that you can use).
  • If you use other photos to detail the bus, make sure to use copyright friendly or free photo and source where you got the photo from. the original website where the image is from (not Google). 
OPTION #2 - Design the Ride

  • Use PixlrE to design your own vehicle or a vehicle of your choice (try to use copyright friendly or free photos and make sure to source the website).
  • Make sure to also source the design features you put on your vehicle 

  • Save your final image and import into a Google Document or Google Draw on Google Drive. 
  • Make sure to share the photo and the summary with your teacher (
  • Title the document "Be True to Your School" or "Design Your Ride" and include your name in the title. Include a brief summary explaining the following:
  • Explain what you think is effective about your design. 
  1.  How does the design represent our school?
  2. What part was most challenging, what part was the easiest? Do you have any interest in digital    art and design? Explain why or why not. 
  3. Would you ever want to work in auto detailing as a job or part of a job? Why or why not?
  4. Did you ever consider how custom paint job and auto stickers are important to business           vehicles? For example. they can help promote awareness of a business and increase sales. 
  5. Do not forget to provide links to the websites of any images you used (excluding the school        images below).

The bus you can use for your design (can download and upload to PixlrE)

School logos that you can consider using as part of your design:

Video Tutorial
Note: This tutorial is for an older version of Pixlr, but it should still be helpful on how to complete the assignment

Click here to see the rubric that will be used for assessing your work during this part of the unit.