A Keychain for Your Vehicle (7 of 8)

Keychain design: The design is from Thingiverse and then 
some minor modifications were made using Tinkercad.
(Created by Macaully Gillespie)
  • You will create a keychain design for the vehicle that you made in the previous assignment. 
  • Considering your car design, think about what would be the best keychain design to complement your vehicle. 
  • Click here to access some designs (search "Keychains") that you can export and modify in TinkerCad. Or you may want to create your design completely from scratch in TinkerCad
  • NOTE: Keep an eye on your scale to make sure your keychain is the appropriate size. Learn more about scaling by clicking here
  • NOTE: Make sure your object is laying flat and directly on the work-plane.  
  • Once you have completed your design in TinkerCad, share your design by getting a shared link on TinkerCad and then send that link to your teacher through Google Drive (put the link in a Google Document).